Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Student Teaching

Crazy how life just goes and goes and goes and you barely get a minute to rest and write a thing or two on your blog at 11:15 pm.

Well...my student teaching starts tomorrow. But really it started on Monday with all day faculty meetings, and let me tell you they were so incredibly boring, yet scary too. Half the time, I had no idea what in the world they were talking about. They use so many acronyms. I'm just barely getting used to all the acronyms in the Air Force, now I have to learn a whole new set of them.

On Friday, I went in for a group interview for substitute teaching. Apparently they like to hire their student teachers as subsitute teachers, so I said, what the heck. Now when my cooperating teacher is out, I will be able to sub for her. And, the band teacher is pregnant and due right after my student teaching is over and I think will be requesting me as her permanent subsitute!

Well, that's all for now. I'll let you know how it all goes, and hopefully, eventually, maybe, maybe not, oh who knows... I will get some great photos on here of our life since the move.


Alissa said...

so good to hear from you! good luck teaching! i'm sure you'll be great! be firm with those little turds!

Mari said...

Yes! I totally want to hear what your experience is like. I didn't have to go to any pre-school teacher meetings (thank goodness) but I already feel worn out after only a week and a half. I hope we can survive this!!

Sarah said...

It's crazy. Mari and I were just talking about you and wondering how life was treating you. Sounds like you are a busy woman! Good luck with the Student teaching! I'll be joining those ranks next semester. ARGH!

Jenny said...

So, how is student teaching going? huh... give us an update yo.