Tuesday, March 30, 2010

In Memory of Tiger

You were a beloved member of our family.

Cameron took you EVERYWHERE, cried to you, peed on you, vomited on you (a couple of times), ripped your Ty tag off, but most of all, he loved you. We're very sorry we left you at the doctor's office. When we called back, they couldn't find you. I'm sure you have another new loving home with a child who will love you, but not as much as Cameron, because you probably gave that poor little kid Croupe. Cameron has been crying for you the past 5+ days. You are loved and will be missed.

No one could ever replace you, we know that. But if you loved Cameron as much as we do, I'm sure you would want him to be happy. He did in fact cuddle you every night since he was about six months old, and a lot during the day too! It must have been hard to breathe sometimes, but I bet you enjoyed your time with Cameron. To him you were Real. I'm sure some fairy has taken you and made you real, and even though you will miss Cameron and he will miss you, we are happy you are happy (see the Velveteen Rabbit). Don't worry, we told Cameron you went on a Safari. Because we don't want Cameron to miss you too much, we decided that your twin brother from Ebay would make him happy too. Isn't it weird that his name is Tiger too? Thank you for all the time you spent with our Cameron, and for loving him so much.

P.S. Sorry you have such a boring name. This family isn't really creative that way. Our children will likely grow up without nicknames. Someday someone will ask our kids what their nicknames are, and they will have to say "well, sometimes I was called stinker, monster, or crazy kid" Not really unique...oh well.

Friday, March 26, 2010

I've got a biter

(Picture from parentsconnect.com via google)

When it comes to my children, Cameron and Ethan are polar opposites in just about every category.

Cameron was never much of a biter, thank goodness. He only bit me a couple of times, and that was it.

Ethan on the other hand, bites all the time. I'm not sure why. Maybe he thinks it's comfortable. Seriously, he bites me and keeps his jaw clenched. Owww!

Since I know many of you have had this problem, I am asking for your help. What suggestions do you have to get him to stop biting me? Please help!

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

I just can't help myself.

I could nibble on these toes all day long!

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

What We've Been Up To...

Not much of anything. But we love to play!

Tuesday, March 9, 2010


We just took a trip to Moses Lake, Washington last weekend to visit Clint's brother Cody and his wife Shauna. Clint and Lance, Cody's old mission companion (he's like a brother to Clint and Cody) spent literally all day helping Cody remodel part of his house, and the next day they all went Pheasant hunting. It was fun to see everyone, and I got some extra help with the kids--score!

Left to right: Lance, Cody, Cameron, Shauna, Ethan, Bekah, Clint

Cody, Lance, and Clint

A picture I took on the drive-I think this is Coeur d'alene, Idaho
While we were loading the car up for our trip, we were all outside, so we put Ethan in his snowsuit and he slept on the front porch. I felt so bad, but he was comfortable and it really was only a little chilly outside anyway.

The rest are just random pictures.

Monday, March 1, 2010

2 Months

Ethan turned two months a week ago, but after being in the hospital and having lots of needles poking him, we decided to wait a week for his well-check.

Here are his stats:
Weight: 12 lbs. 5 oz. (75th percentile!)
Height: 23.4 inches (also 75th percentile)
Head Circumference: 50th percentile

Our boy is growing fast! He is so stinking cute and smiles and laughs a lot. He loves loves loves his older brother. Cameron loves Ethan too. He is so protective of him, and loves to give him hugs and kisses. He hates to see Ethan cry and tells him it's okay and pats his cheeks.